未分類Abstract submission deadline

Abstract submission deadline

Dear Participants, We are now preparing the ICTPPO2023. The deadline for registration is July 31, so we will consider the program afterward. Those who have not submitted the Abstract for the presentation, please send us by e-mail (ICTPPO2023@ml.hines.hokudai.ac.jp) until July 31 since the online registration system is not working properly after the completion of your …

未分類Satellite symposium about chloroplast signaling and functions

Satellite symposium about chloroplast signaling and functions

On September 25th, 2023, Plastid reprogramming dynamics mini-symposium entitled “Cutting-edge research on chloroplast signaling and functions” is held in Osaka. Interested persons should download a PDF brochure. PDF   To attend this symposium, please register on-line from the following site. Satellite symposium registration site